Software Development Company In India

Back in the days when one referred to software development companies, there was awe and excitement all around. Software Development was considered to be for the few who could spend a lot of money, but software is not that elusive any more. No matter what you do, how you do it and on which platform (i.e locally on your computer, across continents over the internet or using your mobile smartphones or the not so smart ordinary phones) every thing is already running software’s development products and there is an ever growing need and demand for software development services.

Software Development​ Company in India
intranet software

MAG is one of the Best software solutions company in India and can assist you with increasing your organization’s efficiency, lowering your day-to-day running cost and increasing your productivity and revenue.

With over 50+ man-years experience collectively amongst the founders of MAG and an extensive education background (engineering from IIT’s, MBA and Phd’s from the best universities of USA) we are very different from your neighbouring Software Development company. We have a process of development, we have experience in development and we have a vision, a vision which we use for our your growth and in turn our growth as well.

Currently we are assisting Fortune 500 companies and also start-up’s with their software requirements. We believe that if you can do it on paper using a manual process, we can automate the process for you, which will assist you in increasing your productivity, increasing your efficiency and in turn increasing your revenues.

MAG can assist you with your software development

Software Development​ India

MAG can assist you with your software development requirements

Currently we are assisting Fortune 500 companies and also start-up’s with their software requirements. We believe that if you can do it on paper using a manual process, we can automate the process for you, which will assist you in increasing your productivity, increasing your efficiency and in turn increasing your revenues.

Happy Customers

To get in touch with our experts
To get in touch with our experts