Over the last few years, Angular has been the most popular software development tool in the industry. It has gained immense recognition from several developer communities throughout the whole world. As the demand for user interfaces became a popular interest among organizations, the Angular community and its developers grew widely.
For companies that are planning to outsource mobile app development, then this tool has a lot of things to offer. It consists of numerous features, functionalities and advantages that benefit phone applications as well as web app development. For instance, the Angular framework has an inbuilt dependency injection that helps many developers to build mobile applications in simpler ways.
Thus, the following are some of the reasons that state why the angular framework is best when it comes to web development:
Complete Documentation
Angular consists of an intensive documentation license that helps the developers to discover all the necessary information that they need. As a result, it gives them a wider technical clarification and resolves emerging problems easily.
Supported by Google
In 2017, Angular developers announced that they will be supported by Google for the long term. As a result, Angular has been the most popular choice among developers to achieve long-term support and a trustworthy platform.
Loaded with Features
The angular framework has many ready-made components that help to reduce development time. It provides many features, such as form validation, scope management, API client, data binding and more. With these features, web app development becomes more straightforward and robust. In addition, the process of detection and troubleshooting of errors becomes even easier.
Component-based architecture
The Angular framework switched from MVC (Model View Controller) to a component-based architecture in its second version. Due to this, the Angular application is further divided into logical components and independent functioning.
When it comes to Angular components, they can seamlessly be reintegrated and decoupled. It can also be reused in other parts of an application. However, component independence and hierarchy make it simpler to test any web app and assure that every component runs smoothly.
Declarative User Interface
Angular uses HTML for the application user -interface, which is more intuitive in comparison to defining UI procedurally with JavaScript. Rather than investing efforts in the program flows and defining what should get loaded first, companies can define what they prefer to do. As HTML is a declarative language, it can handle dependencies. While using HTML, it allows the developer to face fewer chances of things breaking, because reorganizing the code is easier and simpler in HTML.
Testing Ready
The angular framework is efficient when it comes to testing, as it is linked with Dependency Injection. It helps to manage controllers and scopes, which rely on Dependency Injection to pass information. Furthermore, Angular unit tests inject mock data into the controller and help to measure output as well as behavior. In addition, Angular consists of mock HTTP which makes the fake server responses get injected into controllers for testing. This process becomes far better in comparison with another traditional form of testing web apps.